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The Flock

My Journey

I have always been a very spiritual person; I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. I was blessed with the gift of being able to connect with the outside world, and love having the opportunity to connect my clients with their own universal current. My focus is to bring forth clarity and guidance.

For years, I always knew we are all different but I didn’t know how different I was from the rest of the world. In my life, I have seen many things. One experience was when I was around 7-8 years old. I was seeing spirits of people who had passed away. I had another experience when I was about 3-4 years. I would have conversation with my sister who had passed away before I was born. I also found myself getting emotional around people, it was unexplainable. I would get gut feelings, signs and messages I didn’t understand. Many times, I would say to my friends I feel like something was going to happen and then it did. Yes, I found myself saying this a lot over time. I would get these distinctive smells of many different things too often, like beer for example. The smell would just come out of nowhere. I could be walking in the hallway of my home and the smell was just there. Honestly, I just started acknowledging at this point. I came to terms it was my dad’s way of showing me he was near. Many know my dad has passed away, but I always felt him near and this was my confirmation. My grandmother has passed as well. I would speak to her a lot throughout the years. Yes, having conversation like she was still here in the physical world. Now, I truly understand why I’m here now. After dealing with many difficulties in my life. I found myself trying to heal myself and remain strong. It was during these trying times I figured out I have a gift that some may not understand. I decided to dig deeper and recognize more why certain things were happening. I kept asking god to show me my purpose in life. I started looking at things with a much broader perspective. It was through my difficulties that God showed me the way I needed to go. People were placed in my life so I can go in the direction I needed. I’m forever grateful for them.

I found my purpose in life and it’s to provide positive encouragement, guidance, healing and loving messages from love ones who are no longer here in the physical world.

I am ready to share my gifts with the world.

Love and Light

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Services I Offer


Mediumship Reading

Our souls never die. Our love ones are always close and near. I will start with inviting your love ones to step forward and communicate. It is not guarantee who will come through and communicate, but I will work my best to connect with your love ones. I will provide evidence and messages that will help understand who is truly providing the information. Be with an open heart and welcome your love ones and receive the abundance of love from them.


Psychic Reading

Psychic reading should be approached with an open mind. I will connect on a soul to soul level. You will receive clarity and guidance. Channeling in to provide you with the information you need at that moment. When life has many twist and turns this will help you to understand life on a much broader perspective.

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Sunrise Tour

"Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

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Contact Me

Are you looking for answers, or perhaps would like to hear from a love one in spirit world or need a confirmation your life is on the right track? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place. I love giving positive and encouraging message and help people cope with all of life’s challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive and received the message they needed at that moment in time. Contact me today and let the healing process begin.

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Happy, Fulfilled Clients

Straight From The Source

What my clients say is extremely important to me. Without their support and confirmation,  I wouldn’t be in business. That’s why I’m so invested in making sure that they’re happy with all of the psychic services I provide. Take a look at what people have said about working with me and get in touch today to make your voice heard as well.

Rock in Sand

Thank you so much! Right on point I needed this reading


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